Become an Instructor

Become an Instructor

Top instructors from around the world teach millions of students on EduMall.

Discover Your Potential

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Earn Money

Earn money every time a student purchases your course. Get paid monthly through PayPal or Payoneer, it’s your choice.

Inspire Students

Help people learn new skills, advance their careers, and explore their hobbies by sharing your knowledge.

Join Our Community

Take advantage of our active community of instructors to help you through your course creation process.

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How to Become an Instructor

Become an Instructor

Plan your course

Planning your course content is important before you start. That way, you will have the right context for what you’re going to teach and the audience you are creating your course for. 

Choose your topic. You can teach anything, except for what’s on our restricted topic list.

Identify your intended learners.

Create your learning objectives and course outline. 

Create and practice your script. 

How we help you

As a helpful assistant, we can provide you with resources, information, and tools to plan your course efficiently. We can guide you on program requirements and prerequisite courses, create a course schedule, and share success strategies. Our goal is to make the course planning process easy and stress-free for your success.

Instructor Rules

  • DO encourage your students to interact with each other.
  • DO answer questions politely and in a timely manner.
  • DO NOT post rude, aggressive, or threatening comments.
  • DO NOT use the Q&A for promotion; posting coupon codes, promotional external links, links to other Udemy courses, any sort of marketing messages or references to the same are prohibited.
  • DO NOT ask for or post personal information about students.

Restricted Topics

AE does not approve content in some topic areas. Subject matter may be excluded due to concerns that it is considered either inappropriate, harmful, or offensive to learners, or because it is otherwise inconsistent with the values and spirit of AE.

Sexually explicit content or content with implied sexual activity is not permitted.

Nudity is permitted only when essential to learning within an artistic, medical, or academic context.

Dangerous activities or behavior likely to impact health or result in injury cannot be shown. Glorification or promotion of violence will not be tolerated.

Content providing instruction in the making, handling, or usage of firearms or air guns is not permitted.

Content on attraction, flirtation, courtship, etc. are not allowed.

Treatment of animals such as pets, livestock, game, etc. must be in accordance with the recommendations of relevant animal welfare organizations.

Content must be in accordance with any applicable national law. Activities which are illegal in many jurisdictions may also be disallowed, even if permitted within the uploader’s country of residence.

Instruction which is intentionally misleading or that promotes ideas in opposition to the consensus in scientific, medical, or academic communities should not be posted.

We're here to help

Our Instructor Support Team is here for you 24/7 to help you through your course creation needs. Use our Teaching Center, a resource center to help you through the process.This community group is always on, always there, and always helpful.

Become an Instructor Today

Join the world's largest online learning marketplace.

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